上次試過用Sous Vide Supreme滷四元豚腩肉,阿部寬話似日式叉燒多啲,既然係咁就去盡佢,整圓圓日式叉燒啦(個樣~)
Ingredient 材料 :
Pork Belly (about 0.5lb)
Black Pepper 黑胡椒
Salt 鹽
Chinese Selected Five Spices Marinated Sauce 五香鹵水汁(LKK)
Rope 繩
Baby Bok Choy 白菜
Directions 做法:
1. Marinated the pork with salt and pepper and tie the pork belly into round shape as below. 跟據個人重或淡口味加適量既鹽同黑胡椒,然後用繩把豬腩紥成圓形。
2. Put half the bottle of the marinated sauce into a cooking pouch. (optional) Freeze it for couple hours until solidfied. 將半支鹵水汁倒入袋裡。我會建議預先放係冰隔等結成冰,Vacuum既時候唔會容易少少。覺得唔需要真空抽到咁盡既可以跳過呢個step~
3. Put the pork belly inside the pouch and seal it tightly. 將豬腩放入袋裡面然後封口~
4. Preheat the Sous Vide Supreme to 80C/180F. Submerge the pouch in the water oven and cook for at least 6 hours (not more than 8 hours). 放真空包入預熱了80C/180F的Sous Vide Supreme 然後浸最少6小時(但不要多過8小時)。
5. Remove the pouch from Sous Vide Supreme machine and let it cool down for awhile. 從Sous vide Supreme machine拿出包包然後放涼至室溫~
6. Remove the pork belly from the pouch and make sure you keep the marinated sauce. 將豬腩取出,鹵水汁要留返唔好倒左佢。
7. Remove the rope. 剪開條繩。
8. Cut the pork belly into smaller pieces. 把豬腩切片,唔好切太薄,因為豬肉好軟身都幾難切下~
9. Boil the Baby bok choy in a separate pot for couple minutes and drain the water. 白菜用另外一個煲滾一陣撈起隔水。
10. Serve the pork belly slices with baby bok choy, pour couple tbsp of the leftover marinated sauce to finish the dish. 白菜放低在面鋪上豬腩,再將之前淨返既鹵水汁淋少少係面,攪掂~
Mitsuwa既四元豚,今次用Nijiya既Kurobuta)事定真係再低溫會Tender 啲,今次係好名顯滑身好多~
真係超愛呢部Sous Vide,唔洗睇火就咁vacuum煮就好美味了~
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